Drill explanation --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 1. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Player 1 of Group C runs/jogs down between --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Groups A and B receiving passes from Group A --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- and passing on to the players opposite in Group --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- B. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 2. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- With the balls now with Group B, player 2 in --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Group C links a pass from Group B to --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Group A, player 3 in Group C then links a pass --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- from Group A to Group B. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 3. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- When all players from Group C have gone --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- through the drill, they run around the outside and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- join the end of Group C. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 4. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- The drill continues.